
The levelling systems on agricultural land

The levelling  systems on agricultural land have the following advantages:
To do accurate and correct farming and to minimize damage to the land, levelling the agricultural land before any operation, planting and harvesting on the land should be done. The coefficient of permeability and soil texture is to prevent soil erosion. Carrying out levelling operations on agricultural lands brings the following benefits

  1. .1Reducing the consumption of fertilizer water and the possibility of uniform distribution of water on all levels of the farm.
  2. No need for transverse boundaries and reducing the number of longitudinal boundaries in the far
  3. Sufficient for one worker to irrigate up to a surface of more than 50 hectares
  4. Reducing weeds and increasing product quality and efficiency due to equal distribution of water and food
  5. Increasing work efficiency and useful life of agricultural machines and trailers and reducing repair costs
  6. The speed of the combine operation and the reduction of product drop losses at the time of harvest
  7. Reduce fuel consumption
  8. Reducing electricity consumption in irrigation
  9. Increasing the cultivated area of agricultural land due to the removal of additional ridges and irrigation canals
  10. No need for mapping with special engineering cameras
  11. The possibility of levelling fields and small surfaces, even enclosed environments such as greenhouses and warehouses with high precision
  12. The possibility of designing and building roads between fields, digging secondary or main drainage channels and irrigation canals, building irrigation channels in fields
  13. Reducing the cost of planting, holding and harvesting operations
  14. Reducing nervous problems and providing mental security

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